• Registrar
  • registrar@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 3204

Organisation Management and Governance Centre


The Organisation Management and Governance Division oversees the planning and execution of the University’s governance and organisational policies, the appointments of high-level administrative roles and top-tier management positions of the University as well as the central administration of the University operations.


Development and management of the University’s governance including related University-level policies;
Appointments of high-level administrative roles and top-tier management positions of the University;
General administration services including main telephone operator and campus mail services, centralized feedback management system as well as supplies of office stationery and uniform; and
Main university event planning and management including University Convocation Ceremony and Creative & Innovative Group (KIK) Convention.

Contact Us

Organisation Management & Governance Centre,
Level 3, Chancellery Building,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Tel: +603-79673254
Fax: +603-7967 3484
Email: ppog@um.edu.my

Last Update: 22/08/2024